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Kevin Hudson

Brief description

Senior Applications Instructor at the University College of the Cayman Islands. Part Time student in the MSc E-Learning

Who am I?

"Who am I?" Who do YOU think I am? I could write some brief history of my past exploits, or I could sit and meditate over this rather poignant question for hours before coming up with anything useful...

Let's just say I am me. I've been places, done things, met people, and all in all have a pretty good thing going. I have a beautiful 10 month old daughter that makes me smile every day, and an incredible wife that puts up with all my idiosyncrasies. I go to work, I sleep, I eat... but is that who I am? How should I define myself? In what context? As a father, a husband, a teacher, a world traveler, a student?

I'm still trying to decide who I am, and I don't think that I will ever finish... so I'll leave it up to you to make your own determinations.


Family, Motorcycles, Pets, Scuba Diving, Technology, Travel

Sian Bayne
Wednesday 15th September 2010, 9:01am
Welcome Kevin!